Ancasa All Suites Resort & SPA - Port Dickson
Lanson Place - Kuala Lumpur
Mahkota Hotel - Malacca


What is travel+ ?

A Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C) Loyalty Program designed to involve various tourism related business communities to come into partnership as provider of products and services offering multi-representation in its rewards to MEMBERS as an acknowledgement given for their support and patronage.

Who can be a MEMBER ?

Apart from to agree to the prescribed Membership Terms & Conditions, membership is opened to all residents of MALAYSIA who is interested to become a member.

If you are not a member as yet, join us now and be part of our travel+ consumer community.

What are the REWARDS ?

Membership offers exclusive added value:-

  • hotel accommodations
  • travel packages
  • dining experience
  • shopping privileges
  • Once you become a MEMBER, all you have to do to gain REWARDS (multi-representations:- privileges, discounts or earn points for rewards) is to go patronize at any of our participating partner establishments, just present your membership card wherever you see the travel+ acceptance sign. MEMBERS also earn redemption points as rewards for online purchase to specified products offered under the TAGLINE - "we give more worth" displayed in this website.